Dr. Lorraine Peeples
Project Director
I am Lorraine Peeples, Project Director with the LIFE2/TSL grant, serving Calhoun and Orangeburg County School Districts.
As an Achievement Specialist, I am charged with the ultimate goal of improving student achievement by focusing on building and implementing an on-going recursive system of supports to improve teacher and school leader quality and effectiveness; and to increase, reward and incentivize the number of certified/skilled educators in Calhoun and Orangeburg School Districts.
I received a bachelor’s degree in English Education from Claflin University; a master’s degree in English Education, certification in Elementary Education; certification in Administration and Supervision; and an Ed. S and Ed. D in Educational Leadership from South Carolina State University.
I have had the pleasure of working with students and teachers as a middle and high school teacher; an assistant principal; a teacher specialist; an instructional coach; and elementary principal.